To our valued customers, everyone we have helped, and those who rely on their mobile and computer technology to connect them to the world, We know how important it is…
So, you’ve dropped your phone. Even though the screen is damaged, it’s still safe to use a phone with a cracked screen, right? After all, your phone still seems to…
A lot about you is unique; your face, your fingerprint, and your voice are all parts of you that won’t match anyone else in the world. Phone companies have realized…
Our phones remain one of the main centre-points in our lives in 2019 and there is no sign of that changing in 2020. Major cell phone design adjustments have trended toward slimmer,…
There are many reasons to unlock your smartphone. Maybe you are looking to sell your used phone and interested in unlocking it to improve resale value. Perhaps you are buying…
The 5th Generation or 5G service is the latest cellular standard to revolutionize how fast we can send and transmit data. Internet service in Canada continues to thrive. Smart cities…
For many, cell phone batteries can be the root cause of some unnecessary frustration. Are you that person who is frantically always asking someone in the office for a charger…
The best cell phones for seniors will vary depending on the individual’s vision, hearing abilities, and comfort with technology. Luckily, there are a wide range of phones that cater to…
Wireless charging is extremely convenient. Unless your device requires a technology fix for wireless charging, there’s no need to worry about whether or not there’ll be plug-ins available on your…