Extreme Laptop Damage and Recovery

RepairExpress - Laptop

You may remember this viral video that was going around of a father who, in a response to his daughters’ rebellious Facebook post, shot her laptop with his 45 caliber handgun.


More recently a woman traveling to Israel was questioned by security officers who were suspicious of her bag, so they took it out back and shot it, killing her MacBook.


Read the full story HERE

These are extreme examples of laptop destruction, but would you believe that even cases like these may be recoverable? Have you ever mangled your laptop beyond recognition? Some unforeseeable catastrophic situation leads to the utter destruction of your precious Mac or PC and you feel devastated, fearing that all hope is lost. Fear not, for there may still be a chance that we can repair it or at least recover your information. We do all kinds of laptop repair, many parts can be replaced and your laptop can be restored to good as new! In cases where repair is not an option (such as the aforementioned shootings) we can often recover your data provided the hard drive has not been completely destroyed. Right now our pricing page features MacBook parts pricing, but we repair PC laptops as well! Contact us directly for model and part specific information.

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